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Thursday, December 15, 2011


I was a bit out of ideas for my 30th outfit, so I decided to be a bit silly and go for the fun art teacher/colourful flight attendant look. What do you think?

Wearing a sweater as a skirt won't really work in the long run, so I'm now on the look out for a striped skirt.

Sweater worn as skirt - Zellers
Tights c/o We Love Colors
Land's End flats
Old Navy t-shirt
Thirfted scarf

I'm so relieved to be done the 30 for 30 challenge! It was a lot of fun, but I was getting a bit sick of looking at photos of myself. I'm on my way home to Edmonton this afternoon, but I'll post a round-up of the challenge in the next few days. Thanks for reading & commenting during this little blogging marathon!


  1. My first thought was cute skirt - second photo - wait what? That's a sweater? So cool! Would never had thought about that!

  2. What a cool style you have! It's absolutely my taste of fashion! I'm glad, I found your blog! ;)

  3. I love this look! You summed it up perfectly, totally art teacher/flight attendant hybrid. Also that is a genius way to get a skirt!

  4. YES! You need to find a striped skirt cause you look fab! Love this look!

  5. i really liked the sweater as a skirt... but, i think it would look even more fabulous tied in the front!


