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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Holiday Recap

I had such a great time on holidays! I got back on Friday evening but I've been busy as a bee since then. Unfortunately time management/balancing isn't my forte and I'm exhausted! And just after I'd gotten all relaxed at a mountain cabin. Oh well, so is life, right? :) I have a few outfit photos to share later this week, but for now here are some photos from my week in Kananaskis.

striped tee
What I wore on my first day at the cabin: Spring sandals, Penningtons jeans, Old Navy t-shirt, and Joe Fresh scarf.

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My lovely bike Mabel! There were so many paved trails, great for a novice cyclist like myself.

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Alloy sweatshirt, Old Navy shorts

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The always idyllic Canyon in Kananaskis country. The water is only a few degrees above freezing, but it's too pretty not to swim in!

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I was a bit braver than normal and climbed some rocks with my sister and her partner.

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The amount of wildlife we saw was incredible! We saw three female moose, a male moose, deer, plenty of mountain sheep, ground squirrels, and even a Grizzly Bear with her two cubs, from only 20 feet away (thankfully we were in the safety of our car). Seeing bears that close is such a treat, they're majestic! We also had a resident chipmunk, who somehow managed to spend as much time in the cabin as we did. Those cute little guys are sneaky!

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A panoramic I haphazardly threw together of the view over Merle Lake.

I had such a good time, and I hope the overload of photos wasn't too much to handle. I'll be back again tomorrow with another post!


  1. What a fun trip! Love the outfits and the shorter hair :) And that panoramic photo is really cool.

  2. This looks like the perfect vacation!

  3. It's so beautiful there! Makes me wish I had a car, just so I could explore more, and go camping. :)


