I started off the day bright and early by heading downtown to the farmer's market and out for coffee. This afternoon has been spent packing (I'm moving again) and tonight I'm seeing a friend perform at the Creative City Centre. While not the most exciting day, it's been nice and a wonderful day off.

This book is incredible. I don't mean to be melodramatic, but every sentence feels life-changing!

Old Navy skirt, Payless sandals, hand-me-down denim shirt,
thrifted pins, farmer's market artisan made rings
I don't get the chance to wear this skirt often, but I positively love it. I bought it at Old Navy back in Spring and I wasn't entirely sure about it, but the $2 price tag (!!!) is what sold it. It kind of reminds me of the skirts I'd wear as a child - I loved to wear big, bright floral skirts that I found at second hand shops - they would slip off my hips and nearly cause me to trip but I couldn't get enough of them. My mom would always tell me that they were gaudy and that if I wasn't careful I'd turn out like KD Lang. I don't know how, but my mom predicted my femme dyke identity pretty well. Love ya' mom!

I hope you're all having a wonderful summer. See you in another two months!
(Kidding. I am probably just kidding.)